Does working out make you more right-wing than Arnold Schwarzenegger?
The report on an academic
study which claims that physical strength, a well-developed upper body and a
propensity for fighting are linked to conservative political leanings. The
obvious example is the former republican governor of California, although
researchers from Griffith University in Australia also cited Sylvester Stallone,
Chuck Norris and the rest of the cast of The Expendables .
According to the report "Lead researcher Aaron Sell said men were
'designed for fighting' and the tougher they are, the more this influences their
behaviour and attitudes." The study notes: "Those actors known for
their physical strength and formidability were more likely to support military action.
Generally speaking, Hollywood actors are left wing, but the action stars among
them were more likely than not to support the Republican position on foreign
policy." (Jamie Millar 2012)
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